2024 – Rendezvous

The 2023 Rendezvous group.

Brew Like A Mother!

The suggested Theme for this year’s Rendezvous was pretty easy to get approval from the UVBG club members…since we are having the event over Mother’s Day weekend.

This is our main fun Interclub event of the year and also provides our main fund raising opportunity for the UVBG. We are only able to deal in cash or checks for camping fees, food donations, raffle ticket sales, etc.

1) Location—there will be a $28 fee (total) for Friday night through Sunday morning in the designated Eagleview Group camping area near Tyee along the Umpqua River. This fee will be assessed per Camping Unit which is defined as a tent or camper or motorhome, etc. There are 10 designated camping sites and most are fairly large, with possibly enough room for 2 camping units (obviously depending on their size). Charge per camping unit in the open field (called the Meadows) will be $10 for the weekend. As of 4/19/24, four of the campsites in the designated campground are still available.

2) Meals—the club is planning to provide a Saturday morning breakfast and dinner that night. Dinner salads/desserts will be potluck style for participants. Rather than a cost for these meals, we will simply ask for an optional appreciation donation from those who partake.

Food Plans

Coffee, cream & sugar available all morning…if you want something else for your coffee, bring it. The club will be using metal flatware again this year for everyone’s use…we’re all tired of looking at a broken fork on the ground holding our first bite of BBQ brisket after a hard day of sampling fermented beverages. Donations will be gladly accepted to offset our food costs for the meals.

Breakfast: We’re currently planning scrambled eggs probably mixed with bacon, onions, & sweet peppers accompanied by an alternate entree of biscuit & sausage gravy (very popular last year).

Dinner: The BeerBQ wagon will be cooking up pork roast, chicken, and baked potatoes. Corn of some kind is also very likely to be included. Salads & desserts will be potluck style with members & guests bringing something they want to share. We would ask that if you plan on bringing something, let us know by the first week in May so we can avoid having too much of a good thing with no serving table space remaining.

Fun Stuff

Sexy Beer Night: Friday night around the campfire is traditionally when we share odd or interesting beers with the group. Although you are encouraged to bring an item for tasting, it is not required!

Prizes/Raffle Donations: We will be having a raffle and door prizes (volunteers for selling tickets and stuffing bags will be needed). If you have an item that’s related to the Rendezvous theme (or just fun) and that you’d be willing to donate for the drawings, please feel free to bring it/them.

Adult Beverage Competition: This year we return to being primarily a beer tasting, friendly competition between home brewers. Last years club participants decided that we’d dial back on the awards and just have ribbons for the three most popular brews. That said, we recognize that the wine, mead, and ciders produced by those same brewers and spouses (and friends) are awesome and there will be recognition of those outstanding and delicious creations.

Music: If you have a musical instrument and wish to perform before a highly appreciative, forgiving, & enthusiastic audience…evening campfires are a perfect venue. Word on the street is that Coleen Roberts will be easily swayed to again play a few tunes by the warmth of the fire…and you might even hear a ukulele before the night is through.