Our next business meeting will be on October 16th, 6 pm at the Old Soul Pizza Annex in Roseburg. Reviewing the Brewfest on October 5th and Hiroshi & Mike’s trip to Sunriver Brewery (to participate in brewing a +500 gallon batch of Hiroshi’s Nickel Mine Porter). We’ve pretty much locked in having our meetings every third Wednesday of the month at Old Soul Pizza Annex (at least through 2024)
…great to be regular!
Check out our new UVBG Winners tab!
Ferment With Us & Enjoy The Brew!
Umpqua Valley Brewers Guild (UVBG) Upcoming Events: use the top/bottom menu links for details
See the Upcoming Events & Rendezvous pages for more details.
Last update & addition 11 October 2024: Please be patient with us as we explore, experiment, and test a new website interface for the club. If you have any comments, please send them to our club email address ( Email Link )
“On victory, you deserve beer, in defeat, you need it.” -Napoléon
“The best bottle of homebrew is the cold one
…that you’ve just opened!” –
“Beer doesn’t make you fat, it makes you lean…
…lean against bars, tables, chairs, and poles.” –
“Every loaf of bread is a tragic story of grains that could have been beer, but didn’t make it.”
Peter O’Mahoney, Redeeming Justice (Bill Harvey #1).